12+ Years of Experience in Information Sharing Within the Well Engineering Community

What We Do
We love building products that influence the way people and organisations do business. That could mean developing an original piece of content that improves the way a company executes a project or making an introduction that is the starting point of a long-term business relationship. We exist at the meeting point where government bodies, associations, end-users and services companies come together to share information. We facilitate the exchange of ideas and act as advocates for collaboration.

How We Do It
We love nothing better than understanding what the highest priority challenges facing a business are - and then helping them to find the solution. We execute intensive periods of research with globally recognised leaders from across the value chain and collate the information that will help our community protect themselves from a threat or take advantage of an opportunity. With a history in global oil & gas well engineering, we are perfectly placed to bridge the knowledge and technology gaps the geothermal industry faces – and help you accelerate global deployment.

Why We Do It
We are independent influencers, sitting at the heart of the industry helping to improve standards, promote innovation and challenge the status quo. With a huge network of contacts across the globe, we exist to facilitate discussion and encourage collaboration. We do this for the good of our industry and to ensure the safe and efficient scale of Geothermal energy globally.